The Wise Ones

Pleiadian Institute Europe > The Wise Ones

Welcome at the Council of the Wise Ones!

The Wise Ones have been chosen for their long experience in the field of consciousness, their ease in communicating complex knowledge, and their will to guide the Pleiadian Institute in its evolution.

In practice, they allow us to benefit from a solid base on which we can build. At the beginning of each year, they share their views on future orientations. They share their vision and their connections with us. Occasionally, they can also be consulted during the year regarding more precise questions.

We are grateful to the Wise Ones for their involvement with the Pleiadian Institute!

Eduardo Chianca Rocha is a Brazilian writer, electronic engineer and former IBM executive, researcher of the human consciousness and Vibrational Medicine of the chakras and energetic bodies in the last 25 years. He is the founder of the multidimensional technique of Frequencies Of Light, a holistic Quantum Therapy.

Alaska native, Marine veteran, Author, cofounder of Science and art Products, Youngheart Music, father of three and teacher of advanced group meditation techniques. James has now turned his entire attention to “The Triangles of Love” a simple process for building a personal relationship with the Presence of Love in individual human awareness.

Ode Pactat-Didier is a writer who published not less than 18 books about human and spiritual evolution. She is also magnetizer, numerologist and tarot reader. She is a specialist for various subjects, including the Humankind spiritual advancement through cosmic eras.

Jacques Rosset is an HES Architect in Geneva, Eco-biologist of constructions, specialist in sustainable urbanism and electro-smog mitigation. He is also an expert in the fields of Feng-shui and the “three G” (Sacred Geometry, Geomancy and Geo-biology). He is also knowledgeable about the high energy locations of Earth and the role of the city of Geneva as a global energetical center and transition vector.

“Ahead of the question of the global  awakening of Humanity is the idea of a necessary global collapse, in all aspects of our current society.
Afterwards, the quest for the cosmic truth will prevail, and most people will find connection to the Spirit (Higher Self).”

“Building a personal relationship with love into our awareness will transform us, humanity and the world with love’s powers of transformation and transmutation. It is so simple, a child can do it. Anyone can do it !”

“According to me, the key for a consciousness awakening is an intelligence awakening, meaning working with our superior mental abilities, which allows to conceive an evolutionary path towards the light.”

“One of the ways for a global consciousness awakening – at least the one I experiment – is to develop a sense of connection and exchange with GaÏa – the Mother Earth.”